Thứ Ba, 28/07/2015, 16:32 (GMT+7)

Disbursed foreign direct investment up 9% in seven months

Disbursement of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first seven months of 2015 rose 9% from the same period last year, according to the Foreign Investment Agency.

Printed circuit board manufacturing at Meiko Vietnam
Printed circuit board manufacturing at Meiko Vietnam

In July alone, more than US$1.1 billion was disbursed, bringing total FDI disbursement to US$7.4 billion in the first seven months of 2015.

However, FDI pledges during the same period dropped 7.6% from a year earlier to US$8.8 billion despite additional commitments of US$3.3 billion in July.

Manufacturing and property trading were the most attractive sectors to foreign investors in July, receiving US$1.95 billion and US$1.23 billion respectively, followed by the retail sector which attracted US$18 million.

The manufacturing sector saw a strong presence of investors from the Republic of Korea, who were actively seeking opportunities in the electronics industry.

In the January-July period, Ho Chi Minh City was the largest FDI recipient with US$2.4 billion, followed by Binh Duong and Dong Nai, two other manufacturing centres in the southern region.

