Cai Be district:
Total output value of industry and handicrafts got 1,813 billion VND
In the first 9 months of 2016, the total output value of industry goods and handicrafts in Cai Be district got 1,813 billion VDN, reached 74,3 percent the plan of year.
The district has about 1,700 enterprises, industrial production facilities, handicraft operated effectively to distributors and consumers. Their products are competitive on the market at home and abroad, creating jobs for more than 24 thousand employees, contributing to solving the idle labor in rural areas as well as improving lives of workers.
Key industries in Cai Be district are milling paddy, rice polishing, mechanic for agricultural producing, textiles, packaging and other traditional crafts.
In addition, the industrial group in the district operated stablely. Businesses have upgraded actively and modernized production line to focus on attracting materials source therefore the output of goods increase significantly.
Cai Be district People’s Committee regularly organizes conference to catch bussiness’s obstacles as well as remove their difficulties. Thereby, leader of district has directed district branches to finalize the content under their jurisdiction, concurrently petition provincial branch for resolving electricity, water requirement, security and order, etc..., facilitating businesses to manufacture.
According to by H.Tam