Deploying the project of "To develop dragon fruit in Tien Giang to 2025"
Tien Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has just deployed the project of "To develop dragon fruit in Tien Giang province to 2025"
According to the project, from now to 2020, Tien Giang province has a dragon fruit plantation area of 7,000 to 8,300 hectares, with a harvested area of 5,800 to 6,800 hectares. The rate of dragon fruit cultivation area according to the good agricultural production process is 30% with the average productivity from 26 to 27 tons/hectare and the output from 170,000 to 200,000 tons.
The dragon fruit plantation area in Cho Gao district. Photo: Phung Long |
The project also clearly states that the area of dragon fruit cultivation in Tien Giang will be about 9,000 to 11,000 hectares with a harvested area of about 7,900 to 9,500 hectares by 2025. The rate of dragon fruit cultivation area according to the good agricultural production process gets 40% with the average productivity from 28 to 30 tons per hectare. Going together with expanding the area of dragon fruit, the project also specifies investment projects to build infrastructure for production, storage facilities, processing plants to effectively implement project as well as contributing to the export rate of dragon fruit to get 70-80% of output.
At the conference, delegates focused on some difficulties such as: consumer market assessment; to aim at the establishment of dragon fruit value chain; to offer a variety of solutions as well as practical suggestions depending on the soil conditions of each local so that dragon fruit will be effective in terms of quality to contribute to Tien Giang dragon fruit brand to sustainably rise up.
(According to by Nguyen Huu)