Thứ Năm, 30/06/2022, 15:55 (GMT+7)

Conference reviews Party building work in Central and Central Highlands regions

ABO/NDO – The Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission held a conference in Quang Ngai province on June 29 to review the Party building work in the first half of 2022 in nine provinces in the Central and Central Highlands regions.

According to a report delivered at the conference, the organisation committees in the nine provinces have promoted a high sense of responsibility and activeness in implementing Party building tasks.

Head of the PCC's Organisation Commission Truong Thi Mai speaking at the event.

The provinces have gained significant results in realising the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the resolutions of provincial party congresses as well as documents on Party building, which were promulgated by the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat.

In the coming time, the provincial organisation committees will focus on enhancing Party building in rural and border areas as well as the living areas of ethnic groups and religious followers.

Speaking at the event, Politburo member, PCC Secretary, and Head of the PCC Organisation Commission Truong Thi Mai highly appreciated the efforts and achievements made by the provincial organisation committees in deploying their assigned tasks.

Regarding the tasks for the coming time, she asked the provincial organisation committees to continue to thoroughly grasp the Party’s documents in order to consult with provincial Party Committees in bringing the documents into life.

(Source: NDO)
