Thứ Ba, 07/02/2023, 20:18 (GMT+7)

Around 150 artisans join Long An Open "Don Ca Tai Tu" Festival

ABO/NDO- The 2023 Long An Open “Don Ca Tai Tu” (traditional musical art form of the south) Festival officially opened on February 6 in My Le Commune, Can Duoc District, Long An Province.

The two-day festival featured the participation of nearly 150 artisans and artists from 12 groups in Long An Province and several other localities.

The festival is expected to help people learn more about the exquisite features of “Don Ca Tai Tu”, a traditional musical art form of the south.

An art performance at the opening ceremony for the festival. (Photo: NDO).
An art performance at the opening ceremony for the festival. (Photo: NDO).

The festival has become an annual event offering an opportunity for artisans to gather to promote the unique art form to domestic art lovers and foreign visitors alike.

During the opening ceremony, the organising board announced the presentation of the folk artists title to Tran Phong Sac and Le Van Tieng.

On the occasion, organisations and individuals paid tribute to late artisan and musician Nguyen Quang Dai, a music mandarin of the Hue court in the late 19th century who trained many generations of Don Ca Tai Tu talents.

(Source: NDO)
