Thứ Năm, 23/03/2023, 21:23 (GMT+7)

Winners of 2023 Journalist's Open Singing Contest honoured

ABO/NDO- The award ceremony of the 2023 Journalist's Open Singing Contest took place on March 18 at the Voice of Vietnam Theatre, No. 58 Quan Su, Hanoi.

The event takes place within the framework of activities of the 2023 National Press Festival.

Launched in November 2022, the organising board has received nearly 100 entries from reporters, editors, and staff of press agencies, associations at all levels, and media training institutions from across the country.

The contest entries covered a diverse range of topics, including revolutionary music, lyrical music, folk songs, and light music. The performances focused mainly on the topics of praising Uncle Ho, love for the homeland, journalism, and family love.

Contestant Pham Cong Thanh, lecturer at Military University of Culture and Arts (Hanoi), was awarded the first prize.

As a result, from the 18 performances of the 25 contestants selected for the final round, the jury awarded one first prize (35 million VND) to contestant Pham Cong Thanh, a lecturer at the Military University of Culture and Arts (Hanoi) with the performance "Thang Gieng" (January).

Three second prizes, three third prizes and seven consolation prizes were also awarded. In addition, the organising board also awarded six additional prizes to the contestants with impressive performances.

* On the afternoon of March 18, a seminar with the theme "Building press agency culture and journalist culture" was held at the 2023 National Press Festival in order to raise awareness on culture and create a cultural space for journalism activities.

From the emulation movement "Building a cultural environment in press agencies" that the Vietnam Journalists' Association launched in 2022, the seminar mentioned the urgent requirements of practice in creating cultural space for journalistic activities.

(Source: NDO)
