Thứ Năm, 29/06/2023, 10:13 (GMT+7)

Top 10 outstanding digital firms to be honoured

ABO/NDO- The Top 10 outstanding digital technology firms in Vietnam 2023 will be officially announced at an award ceremony later this year, according to the event’s organiser at a press conference held in Hanoi on June 27.

Hosted by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA), the event aims to honour businesses in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry as well as connect them with partners and customers inside and outside the country.

Nguyen Thi Thu Giang, VINASA’s Vice Chairwoman and General Secretary, said Vietnam's IT market has grown tremendously over the past 10 years.

IT revenue in 2022 was 148 billion USD, an increase of nearly four times, of which the software and IT services industry was about 13 billion USD, she noted.

At the press conference. (Photo:
At the press conference. (Photo:

The current IT workforce is over 300,000 employees, an increase of nearly two times. Vietnam already has more than 10 enterprises with more than 1,000 employees, and a large number of enterprises with 200-900 employees.

The demand for global transformation is still increasing, she said.

The top 10 firms this year will be selected in 25 fields, divided into six groups, including traditional fields of the IT industry (digital transformation platform, export of IT software and services, digital transformation services and solutions, IT services and solutions, production and distribution of ICT equipment) and priority areas for digital transformation (digital government, smart city, e-commerce, FinTech, EdTech, PropTech, HealthTech, AgriTech).

Especially, this year's programme will have two new fields, namely"Top 10 pioneering enterprises in implementing digital technology " and “Top 10 digital transformation solution consulting enterprises”.

The deadline for entry submission is July 28, according to organiser.

(Source: NDO)
