Thứ Ba, 27/06/2023, 21:10 (GMT+7)

Winners of National Traditional Musical Instrument Solo and Orchestra Contest honoured

ABO/NDO- The 2023 National Traditional Musical Instrument Solo and Orchestra Contest wrapped up in Hoa Binh province on June 26, with 30 prizes being presented to the best performances.

The event, jointly held by the Department of Performing Arts, the Vietnam Musicians' Association, and the Khanh Hoa and Hoa Binh provincial Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism, attracted the participation of nearly 1,500 artists from 37 art troupes across the country.

ABO/NDO- The 2023 National Traditional Musical Instrument Solo and Orchestra Contest wrapped up in Hoa Binh province on June 26, with 30 prizes being presented to the best performances.
Winners of National Traditional Musical Instrument Solo and Orchestra Contest honoured at the closing ceremony.

In his closing speech, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Dao Cuong said that during the 11-day competition, participating artists, performers and instrumentalists entertained music lovers, with a music party full of feelings and impressions on traditional instruments.

He asked functional agencies to develop preferential policies to support artists and instrumentalists in particular and improve human resources training in folklore music.

At the closing ceremony, the organising board presented 30 first, 51 second, and 12 third prizes for best performances.

Meritorious Artist Tran Quoc Dat from the Army Theatre was named the best conductor, while Son Si Phone from Tra Vinh province’s Sunrise Art Troupe won the best instrumentalist prize.

(Source: NDO)
