Thứ Tư, 23/02/2022, 21:31 (GMT+7)

Management of more than 6.3 million youth union members to be digitalised

ABO/NDO – The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee and the Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), jointly held a launch ceremony and implemented a training programme on professional management software for union members, directly integrated on the smart application “Vietnamese Youth”.

The software has digitised a number of operations on membership management, such as admission of new members, member transfers; deletion of a member's name; membership training programmes; assessment and classification of members; honorary members; elite members; rewards and discipline; among others.

At the launching ceremony.
At the launching ceremony.

Designed in the form of a website, integrated with the "Vietnamese Youth" application, the software included many high-tech features, such as identification by artificial intelligence, to accurately authenticate member information.

The "Vietnamese Youth" application has so far had nearly 2.3 million registered accounts, with more than 835,000 active accounts per month. There have been ten central-level online contests deployed on the application, with more than 15 million entries. This strongly spread to a large number of young people nationwide, about the contents of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, Ho Chi Minh Thought and the life and career of General Vo Nguyen Giap, etc.

The software is expected to become an important tool, to help build and develop the Youth Union at all levels; as well as realise the policy of digital transformation and innovate the content and mode of operation of the youth union work.

(Source: NDO)
