Thứ Tư, 23/03/2022, 20:50 (GMT+7)

Vietnam responds to World Water Day, World Meteorological Day, and Earth Hour 2022

ABO/NDO – A national meeting was held by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in Hanoi on March 23, in response to World Water Day, World Meteorological Day, and Earth Hour 2022.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Tran Hong Ha World Water Day aims to raise public awareness of the importance of water resources and encourage countries to set specific policies on sustainable management of water, particularly fresh water resources.

Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Tran Hong Ha speaks at the meeting.
Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Tran Hong Ha speaks at the meeting.

Themes of World Water Day (March 22), World Meteorological Day (March 23) and Earth Hour 2022 are closely connected with each other as they all call for public attention and urge people to act immediately, he said, noting that over the past years, Vietnam has actively participated in international integration negotiations in order to build cooperation mechanisms to harmoniously manage water resources among nations.

The minister also emphasised the necessity to further strengthen forecast and early warning systems in the short and long run to protect people’s well-being and properties; promote effective management and protection, and sustainable use of groundwater and water resources for the lives of today’s and tomorrow’s generations; and raise awareness of energy efficiency for the sustainable future of the planet and humanity.

At the meeting, the organising board called on sectors at all levels to commit to build policies ensuring water security towards sustainable social development. Authorities at all levels were also urged to reinvent their mindsets in policy-making, with the development of the green economy and the circular economy taken into account, and urged people throughout the country to act together for a sustainable future.

(Source: NDO)
