Chủ Nhật, 29/05/2022, 20:14 (GMT+7)

Activities calling for environmental protection efforts launched

ABO/NDO - Activities calling for environmental protection efforts were rolled out during an event held in Tien Yen district of the north-eastern province of Quang Ninh on May 28.

The activities were in response to International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22) and World Environment Day (June 5), as well as the action month on environmental protection slated for June.

At the event.
At the event.

Speaking at the launch event, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha called on stakeholders to change attitude and behaviours towards the environment, adjust the use of natural resources towards sustainability and pay heed to natural-based solutions so as to resolve global issues such as climate change, health and food safety, among others.

Chairman of the Quang Ninh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuong Van also called on relevant organisations and people to join hands in environmental protection, thereby contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development of the province in particular and Vietnam at large.

After the event, delegates planted trees and released fish in the mangrove forest area in Dong Rui commune of Tien Yen, with an aim to regenerate and increase the diversity of resources in the area.

(Source: NDO)
