Thứ Ba, 21/11/2023, 22:11 (GMT+7)

IC design training course for lecturers in Ho Chi Minh City launched

ABO/NDO- The training course "Analog design - Custom IC training" was launched on November 20 at ESC, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

The course, led by Cadence experts, takes place for three weeks, from November 20 - December 8.

Accordingly, lecturers will have an opportunity to access Cadence's entire library and teaching materials. Upon completion of the course, lecturers can develop a practical IC design curriculum to convey to students at the School.

This is an activity to implement the contents of the signed cooperation agreement between the Ho Chi Minh City Hi-Tech Park Management Board and Cadence - one of the world's leading companies providing comprehensive tools and solutions related to design automation in the field of electronics and semiconductor circuits, to promote human resource development activities for the field of semiconductor circuit design.

Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Anh Thi - Head of Ho Chi Minh City Hi-Tech Park Management Board, spoke at the Course Opening Ceremony.
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Anh Thi - Head of Ho Chi Minh City Hi-Tech Park Management Board, spoke at the Course Opening Ceremony.

ESC launched on September 6, 2023, based on pilot cooperation between the High-Tech Park Training Centre and Sun Edu International Education Joint Stock Company, the unit assigned to be the focal point for implementing the content signed.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Anh Thi - Head of the High-Tech Park Management Board, the implementation of this training course is extremely timely, contributing to improving the training capacity of schools, serving the goal of expanding and opening new fields of semiconductor circuits in schools, especially in the field of analog circuit design (Analog design), which has not met the huge demand for human resources in the present and the future.

The training course "Analog design - Custom IC training" brings together 30 lecturers from universities and training facilities.

In the coming time, ESC will continue to cooperate with Cadence to implement IC design training programs related to digital and analog IC design for lecturers and students of universities.

(Source: NDO)
