Thứ Sáu, 03/10/2014, 15:03 (GMT+7)

The National Assembly deputies of Tien Giang province contacts voters

The National Assembly deputies of Tien Giang province, including Tran Quoc Vuong, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, the Chief of Cabinet of the Office of the Party Central Committee and Tran Van Tan, deputy head of the National Assembly deputies of Tien Giang province, has just contacted  with representatives of voters in Hoa Hung, An Huu commune (Cai Be district), Binh Phu, My Long commune (Cai Lay district).

Cử tri xã Bình Phú, huyện Cai Lậy có ý kiến tại buổi tiếp xúc.
Voters in Binh Phu commune (Cai Lay district) petitioned for the current urgent issues

The National Assembly deputies of Tien Giang province reported the expected contains of the eighth session of the National Assembly XIII, including considering and adopting the amendment and supplement a number of laws such as: Law on Real Estate Business (reformed); Law on Insurance (amended and supplemented); Law on Organization of the National Assembly (amended); Law on Amendments and Supplements to a Number of Articles of the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation,etc...; and reported economic issues - social, monitor and other important issues.

At the meeting, voters petitioned for the current urgent issues such as: the need of taking measures to contain rising prices of commodities; suggestion to explain why the price of water rises too high (starting officiallly from October 1) and recommend to allocate norm of water’s ues for per person in the household, carry out preferential prices for the poor; enhance suppression of crime to ensure social’s order and safety,etc…

Some of voter’s questions were  explained by leaders of Cai Lay, Cai Be district and leaders of relevant units. Tan noted the reflection of voters and would propose the relevant authorities to explain specificly and thoroughly to make people satisfied. For the macrocospic suggestions, the delegates noted and promised to reflect on the relevant ministries and agencies on the next eighth session of Congress.

By Hoai Thu - Translated by Nguyen Huu
