Thứ Hai, 24/06/2019, 16:29 (GMT+7)
Tien Giang province:

Hosting the first plenary meeting in 2019 of Vietnam Mekong River Commission

ABO – Tien Giang province has just hosted the first plenary meeting in 2019 of the Vietnam Mekong River Commission (VMRC) on June 19 under the chair of the commission’s chairman Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha.

At the plenary meeting.

On the opening speech of the meeting, Minister Hong Ha said the Government’s Resolution 120/NQ-CP on climate resilient and sustainable development of the Mekong Delta region has created a strong shift in the way of thinking on the way forward for the region in the context of climate change and impacts of economic growth. However, negative effects on and vulnerability of the Mekong Delta are yet to be addressed.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish the position, functions and tasks of the VMRC in order to propose comprehensive solutions for arising issues, the minister said.

Chairman of the Tien Giang provincial People’s Committee Le Van Huong said that: Tien Giang province has been facing many challenges and negative impacts of climate change and increased use of water resources by upstream nations.

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha speaks at the meeting.

The province has issued Plan 96/KH-UBND on March 28 this year on implementing the Government’s Resolution 120/NQ-CP to intensify communication campaigns on climate resilient and sustainable development of the Mekong Delta following the guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, completing basic surveys on natural resources and the environment, and step by step drawing maps on the risks of flooding and saltwater intrusion at communal level based on various scenarios on sea level rise with a view to draft suitable measures for adaptation and response.

Representative of VMRC reported on the 2019 working program; Consultation for the Pac Lay hydropower project in Laos, scheduled to be built on the mainstream of the Mekong River; The report assesses the proposed solutions for effective implementation of the Mekong Agreement, promoting Vietnam's role at the International Mekong River Commission and strengthening cooperation in the management and exploitation of water resources of Mekong River and Thailand's situation of water use and water transfer.

Chairman of the Tien Giang provincial People’s Committee Le Van Huong speaks at the meeting. Photo: VAN THAO

Representatives of ministries, branches, local leaders and experts stated their opinions on the role and position of the VMRC. In addition, delegates raised the issue in the guidelines and orientations for addressing the Mekong River problems in Vietnam to need a comprehensive solution; continuing strengthening and enhancing the role of the VMRC; assigning which agencies have the capacity to coordinate, gather forces that can solve the problems posed to the inter-regions, solve planning projects and projects in the long-term, participate with the Government in activities Foreign affairs related to the use of the Mekong River.

By VAN THAO – Translated by HUU CHI
