Thứ Năm, 09/12/2021, 20:36 (GMT+7)

More efforts needed to build more transparent, stronger Party: top leader

ABO/NDO – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has requested extra efforts to build a more transparent and stronger Party and political system.

He made the requirement while addressing the Politburo’s virtual national conference on the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s conclusion and regulation on Party building and rectification.

He stressed that the Party itself should continue improving its bravery and wisdom, make more efforts to build a more transparent and stronger Party and political system that is capable of leading the country to develop more rapidly and sustainably.

He urged Party committees and organisations at all levels, agencies and units in the political system to make specific action plans and programmes to carry out the conclusion and regulation in accordance with each locality, agency and unit’s situation.

Missions and solutions should be implemented synchronously and comprehensively, Trong emphasised, asking each official and Party member to be an example to others. The criticism and self-criticism must be conducted thoroughly, seriously and carefully.

The Party chief also asked all officials and Party members to have high determination and consensus, and take drastic and feasible measures to prevent hostile forces from distorting, inciting and sabotaging.

He expressed his belief that the country will overcome all difficulties, and successfully implement the conclusion and regulation of the fourth plenum of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee, and other resolutions and decisions to create a breakthrough in Party building and rectification.

(Source: NDO)
