Thứ Ba, 18/04/2023, 21:25 (GMT+7)

Ceremony marks Cuba's Giron victory

ABO/NDO- The Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organisations (HUFO) held a ceremony on April 18 to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of Cuba’s Giron victory (April 19, 1961-2023).

Delegates at the ceremony reviewed the happenings and outcomes of the historical event, which has a significant meaning to the Cuban people as the victory later led to Cuba’s reunification.

Speaking at the event, Chairwoman of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association of Ho Chi Minh City Truong Thi Hien stressed that Giron victory is the victory of justice.

Chairwoman of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association of Ho Chi Minh City Truong Thi Hien speaking at the ceremony (Photo: VNA).

She hailed that Vietnam and Cuba have developed a close bond, even during the most difficult periods. She noted with pleasure that the bilateral solidarity, mutual support and comprehensive cooperation have been expanded in many areas, such as agriculture, industry, oil and gas, construction, culture, education, science-technology and healthcare.

Ho Chi Minh City wants to foster cooperation with Cuba in the fields of pharmaceutical technology, medical human resource development and public healthcare, as well as culture, tourism and people-to-people exchange, she added.

For her part, Cuban Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Ariadne Feo Labrada expressed her appreciation for the sincere sentiment of the Vietnamese Party, State and people in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular, for Cuba over the past 60 years.

She pledged to make further contributions to boosting the friendship and cooperation between Cuba and Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh City in particular.

(Source: NDO)
