Thứ Ba, 30/05/2023, 21:33 (GMT+7)

President urges better care for Vinh Long's revolutionary contributors

ABO/NDO- President Vo Van Thuong hosted a meeting with a delegation of revolutionary contributors from the Mekong River Delta Province of Vinh Long, in Hanoi on May 30.

The delegation includes 70 wounded and sick soldiers, those who were affected by Agent Orange/dioxin, martyrs’ relatives and families of revolutionary contributors.

Addressing the meeting, President Vo Van Thuong said Vinh Long’s people of many generations made significant contributions to the struggle for national independence, unification and development.

President Vo Van Thuong and the delegation of revolutionary contributors from Vinh Long Province. (Photo: Hong Quan).

Over the past year, Vinh Long has made great strides in many different fields, creating a new face and image for the province. In addition to socioeconomic development, the care for revolutionary contributors and their families in Vinh Long has achieved many good results, added the State President.

He also noted that the Party, State and society have always united and made efforts to improve the life of revolutionary contributors, including those in Vinh Long.

The State leader asked Vinh Long to continue to gain more achievements in socio-economic development, as well as the cause of ensuring defence and security, towards developing the province to be more beautiful and prosperous.

The local revolutionary contributors pledged to uphold revolutionary traditions, set good examples, and educate younger generations on the traditions so that Vinh Long will develop more strongly in the future.

(Source: NDO)
