Thứ Tư, 20/01/2021, 14:25 (GMT+7)

Politburo member Vo Van Thuong pays pre-Tet visit to Quang Ngai

ABO/NDO - Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee (PCC) Vo Van Thuong held a meeting with key leaders from Quang Ngai province on January 19 ahead of the lunar New Year (Tet) festival.
Speaking at the meeting, Politburo member Thuong, who is also Head of the PCC Commission for Communication and Education, stressed that despite the numerous difficulties caused by both natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has gained significant achievements in 2020 and has been hailed by international friends as an example in containing the pandemic.

Politburo member Vo Van Thuong speaking at the meeting. (Photo: NDO/Hien Cu).

The results were made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the entire Party, army and people, he emphasised.
He also applauded Quang Ngai province’s achievements in socio-economic development and Party building over recent years, particularly its active response to natural disasters, storms and floods.
He informed participants on the preparations for the 13th National Party Congress, expressing his belief that the congress will proceed successfully.
On the occasion of New Year 2021 and upcoming Tet festival, he presented gifts to both incumbent and former leaders of the province, wishing them good health, luck, and happiness.

(Source: NDO)
