Thứ Ba, 13/09/2022, 20:57 (GMT+7)

Contest launched to seek youth's ideas for saving energy

ABO/NDO- A contest calling on youth’s ideas and initiatives for the safe and effective use of electricity was launched at a ceremony held in Hanoi on September 13, by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, in coordination with the Vietnam Electricity Group.

Open to individuals or groups of Vietnamese citizens under the age of 35, the contest aims to raise awareness among young people and the community, about saving energy for the sustainable development of the country.

Delegates at the launch ceremony.
Delegates at the launch ceremony.

The entries can be submitted in the form of articles, video clips, motion graphics, models, and digital products, which present feasible solutions to save electricity. The deadline for submission is December 25, 2022.

The organising board is expected to receive about 1 million ideas from young people and will select the 10 best ideas and initiatives for the final round.

The finalists will enter a debate to defend their ideas and initiatives before a panel of judges, to compete for one first, one second, two third, and six consolidation prizes, worth over 50 million VND in total.

An award ceremony to honour the contest’s winners is scheduled in Hanoi at the end of December.

(Source: NDO)
