Thứ Bảy, 08/10/2022, 20:47 (GMT+7)

Long An Province showcases digital transformation exchange solutions

ABO/NDO- The southern province of Long An opened an exhibition on October 8 to display products and solutions on digital transformation and information security in response to National Digital Transformation Day.

The three-day event is introducing digital transformation solutions to serve state agencies, the people and enterprises as well as applications in a number of fields such as healthcare, education, tourism and finance-banking.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition. (Photo: Long An Newspaper).
The opening ceremony of the exhibition. (Photo: Long An Newspaper).

Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Information and Communication Ho Van Dan said the visitors to the exhibition will be able to experience digital services and products that can serve their daily essential needs.

In addition, the exhibition provides an opportunity for digital technology providers to demonstrate their solutions, products and services to the people, public agencies and enterprises.

On the occasion, the Long An Youth Union launched a campaign to help the public use digital products and services and work with the relevant parties to promote products of the One Commune One Product programme on e-commerce platforms.

The Long An Youth Union aims to have 90% of its members using electronic payment accounts by the end of 2022.

(Source: NDO)
