Thứ Năm, 04/05/2023, 20:58 (GMT+7)

ASEAN certificate awarded to 123 electrical engineers

ABO/NDO- The ASEAN engineer certificate was awarded to 123 Vietnamese electrical engineers working in the central and southern regions at a ceremony held on May 4 in Ho Chi Minh City.

The latest additions to the ASEAN Engineering Register (AER) raise the total number of ASEAN-certified electrical engineers in Vietnam to 552.

The ceremony to award the ASEAN certificate to Vietnamese electrical engineers.
The ceremony to award the ASEAN certificate to Vietnamese electrical engineers.

Pham Quoc Bao, Chairman of EVN Ho Chi Minh City, said the recognised engineers must meet professional qualifications as well as standards of English proficiency, experience and work ethics stipulated by the AER.
According to the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), inclusion in the AER provides an opportunity to share knowledge, expertise and technology, as well as sharpen their skills to a higher level.

“Since 2017, the member companies of the national power utility EVN, have trained engineers to meet ASEAN standards. As of now, 552 engineers have obtained the certificates.”

VUSTA Chairman Phan Xuan Dung said that the attainment of ASEAN certification is a milestone in engineers’ career development, which will encourage them to pursue Asia-Pacific and international certificates.

(Source: NDO)
