Thứ Năm, 31/08/2023, 20:13 (GMT+7)

Quang Ninh increases investment in educational infrastructure

ABO/NDO- The Quang Ninh government has decided to spend over 457.1 billion VND (18.9 million USD) on renovating schools and procuring educational equipment for the upcoming academic year.

Of the capital, more than 444.7 billion VND (18.4 billion VND) will be allocated to 13 localities and the Department of Education and Training (DET) to buy teaching supplies and learning equipment.

Cam Pha High School is being renovated.
Cam Pha High School is being renovated.

The DET is working with a provincial agency responsible for civil construction projects to implement procurement steps in line with the regulations and the needs of educational institutions.

As of the end of 2023, more than 89% of schools in Quang Ninh Province have been recognised as meeting the national standards.

School infrastructure and classroom equipment have been improved and modernised to help enhance the quality of education.

(Source: NDO)
