Thứ Bảy, 03/08/2024, 21:16 (GMT+7)

Exhibition features life and people in Truong Sa

ABO/NDO- A photo exhibition entitled ‘Beloved Truong Sa’ opened in Ho Chi Minh City on August 2, held by the city’s Fine Arts Association.

The exhibition displays a total of 99 photos taken by 10 photographers during their recent field trip to the Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago.

A visitor at the exhibition.
A visitor at the exhibition.

The photos vividly capture the beauty of Truong Sa Island, DK1 Platform, as well as the life of the soldiers stationed there to safeguard the country’s sea and islands.

The works on display also highlight the attachment between people across country in general and Ho Chi Minh City dwellers towards Truong Sa soldiers and islanders.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, photographer Nguyen Truong Sinh recalled his field trip to Truong Sa and shared his impressions on the natural landscape and daily life of the people on the island.

The exhibition will run until August 8 at the Ho Chi Minh City Book Street in Ben Nghe Ward, District 1.

(Source: NDO)
