Pho named among favourite bowl foods
ABO/VNA - Some of the crew at Lonely Planet ladle out their best bowl food experiences from across the globe. And a bowl of pho in Vietnam is among their favourite bowl foods from around the world.
Lonely Planet says “Without hesitation we picked out the comfort food to top all comfort foods: pho. ‘With thick noodles and prawns doused in a herby broth, the dish arrived steaming in a huge bowl.”
A bowl of phở contains flat, soft rice noodles dipped in a fragrant beef or chicken broth flavored with different condiments. It is served with beef or chicken, shallots and chili and lemon to taste.
The soup originated from Ha Noi before it was brought to the south where people added their own influences to the dish.
Other favourite bowl foods from around the world mentioned by Lonely Planet also include Khao soi in northern Thailand, Congeee in Guangzhou, China and Ramen in Tokyo.
(Source: VNA)